Office Cartoons
Comic about after an audit, a team is told that until they purchase a segregation of duties (or separation of duties) solution, they must hold hands and press the transmit button together.
Segregation of Duties
A gag cartoon showing a man in front of a pie chart that demonstrates the majority of their time is used logging their time and preparing time reports. Comics for social media.
Time tracking solution
In the introduction to a meeting, the leader acknowledges that the agenda will be ignored and the topic will stray. Comic for social media.
Ignoring the meeting agenda
Awkward meeting cartoon. Comic showing a woman in a meeting with several men in suits. She has an awkward look on her face. Office cartoon.
Awkward meeting
Having a meeting when the project is complete because the meeting is scheduled on the calendar for the rest of the year. Meeting cartoon. Office comic.
Because the meetings on the calendar
Paleo Diet gone a bit too far cartoon. Paleolithic diet comic showing a couple eating lunch, when one of them grabs a bird to eat.
Paleo Diet gone too far
A gag cartoon showing a leader informing his team that rather than spend money on re-designing the company's website to be responsive, they were instead going to recommend all of their customers buy mobile devices the size of a monitor. Black and white comic.
Responsive web design alternative
Maybe we shouldn't go around the table introducing ourselves. Meeting cartoon.
Meeting introductions
Whimsical cartoon comparing a week to children riding their bicycles. On Monday they carry their bikes. By Wednesday they can ride their bikes. And by Friday they are picking up speed and enjoy an exciting ride through the weekend, which flies by. Then they start over again. Comics for social media.
Week Cycle
An office of software developers tries ninja uniforms to help them be more agile in their software development. Software development comics.
More agile software developmemt
Man wearing blue jeans to the office on Thursday, instead of casual Friday. The others in the office are shocked he would ignore the dress code. Office comics.
Jeans at the office
Pen test cartoon. Boss next to auditor performing a penetration test. He says, "Can you make the penetration testing stop. I think we've been penetrated enough!". Audit cartoon
Enough penetration testing
Cartoon showing a boss stands in front of his software development team and informs them that their IT training budget has been cut again this year. They are to receive instead an old travel brochure. IT training budget comic.
IT training budget cuts
During an IT audit, an auditor is informing the client that hanging a backup tape from a flag pole does not constitute offsite storage. The man asks if making the pole longer would make any difference. Accounting comics. Audit comic.
Offsite storage for disaster recovery
Cartoon mindfulness meditation used in an office setting to increase productivity. One of the people meditating falls asleep. Meditation comic.
Mindfulness meditation
Comic about telecommuting.
Working remotely
Time efficiency cartoon. Boss points to a graph showing most time spent in meetings. He asks for any ideas on how to be more efficient with time. Time management comic.
Time efficiency
A man giving a presentation stands in front of a large group of people with one of his slides projected behind him. He tells the audience that he intends to read each of the slides to them and that he has nothing to offer beyond what is on the slide. Comics for presentations.
Reading slides to audience
A business man sitting at a desk with his face pressed against a monitor. Comics for presentations and newsletters.
Face pressed against a monitor
A meeting where the leader is telling the team, that regardless of the results of a marketing analysis, they will go forward with a project. Business comics for social media.
Ignoring the marketing analysis
A man not allowing someone to piggyback and not swipe their security badge. Demonstrating the importance of each person swiping their badge. Great for demonstrating restricted physical access controls. Comics for newsletters. Security of Assets.
Swiping badge
A gag cartoon about identifying stakeholders. Using the pun steak holder, a man stands holding steaks in the air amid a group of business people. Comics for presentations and newsletters.
Identify stakeholders
Grumpy looking man tells a coworker that he hasn't heard a word she's said since her finger touched his monitor. Social media comics.
Don't touch my monitor
A man eating really smelly food, limburger cheese sandwich, at his cubicle is stinking up the office. People in cubicles nearby are gagging. Funny business comics.
Smelly food in the office
Cartoon with boss asking employee to go home sick. The employee responds, why waste a sick day being sick. Sick day comic.
Waste a sick day
A man is on Facebook complaining about the meeting he is in when he is informed that the computer he is using is actually the projector PC for the conference room. Office comics for presentations.
On Facebook during a meeting
Cartoon of Sisyphus rolling a stone up a mountain alone watching a group carrying a stone run past. A demonstration of how teamwork is better than going it alone.
Working as a team
Speaking to an IT professional, pointing to a graph and asking why sales aren't moving to the cloud since everything else is. Business comics. Up and to the right.
Moving to the cloud
Motivational poster. Back to work or you're fired. Successories comic.
Motivational poster
Sexual harassment situation where women are sexually harassing a man. While he bends over to pick up a box of paper, they overtly gawk at his backside. Comics for newsletters.
Sexual harassment
Leader begins his presentation by apologizing for twerking at the office party. Business comics for social media.
Twerking at the office party
Virtual assistant cartoon of a business woman talking on her cell phone at a cafe requesting a document be sent to her virtual assistant's virtual assistance. Virtual assistant comic.
Virtual assistant's virtual assistant
A notepad, pencil, eraser and calculator. Accounting comics.
Accounting software for small business
Lottery ticket office prank gone wrong. Man knocks papers off his bosses desk as part of a dramatic exit upon winning the lottery. Office prank comic.
Office prank gone wrong
Cartoon showing people in an office fighting over reserving days off on the new vacation calendar. Office comic about requesting days off.
New vacation calendar
Cartoon of a boss angry with his IT employee because he is out of coffee. He wonders why with all the computing power, he still ran out of coffee. Coffee comic.
Out of coffee
A man gloriously stands on his desk as a beacon for all in the office to rise up and remove their shackles. Papers are thrown in the air and some are frightened. Comics for presentations and newsletters.
Office uprising
A man reads an e-mail which was sent to him and copied-in (cc:) all of North America. In it, he is being corrected by someone for misspelling 'tactful', which is ironically exactly what the writer is lacking by including all of the people on the e-mail.
A man demonstrates wearing his ID badge where it is clearly visible. Emphasis is used to show how visible his Id badge is placed. Business comic for newsletters.
Wear badge where clearly visible
In a meeting, a new app is presented that does nothing but display a loading screen. The boss claps, he is ecstatic just to have an app in the App Store. App development comics.
We're in the App Store
A woman sitting on an exercise ball curling a dumbbell. She is demonstrating the importance of exercise for people who spend their days sitting at a desk. Health comics.
Woman exercising at her desk
Cubicle decoration policy. Cartoon of a woman who cluttered her cube with Christmas decorations. Cubicle comic.
Cubicle decorating
Two men at a water cooler are discussing where a coworker is going. The coworker passes by carrying golf clubs and a tennis racquet. Conferences are like company paid for vacations. Presentation comics.
Technology conference vacation
Friendly Approachable Chair cartoon. Boss sits in a throne at meetings. He wants everyone to feel as though they can come to him with any questions or concerns. Meeting comic.
Friendly Approachable Chair
Cartoon man standing in front of two machines holding papers. The signs labeling the machines had fallen. He doesn't know which is the copier and which is the shredder. Office comic.
Copier shredder confusion
A man is caught taking a selfie at his desk when his boss walks up behind him. He is wearing a silly hat and holding a drink umbrella when he notices his boss standing behind him. He was goofing off instead of working. Silly office comics.
Taking a selfie at the office

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